Weber’s Law is a principle in psychology that helps explain how we perceive changes in stimuli, such as light, sound, or weight.The “just noticeable difference” (JND) is the smallest detectable change (∆𝐼) in a stimulus (𝐼). The JND is the smallest detectable difference between two sensory inputs. For example, if you are holding a weight, Weber’s Law tells us how much heavier an object must be for you to notice a difference.
The JND is proportional to the magnitude of the stimulus :
(∆𝐼/𝐼) = K
where K is the Weber fraction.
Examples in Real Life: If you’re listening to music at a high volume, you might not notice a slight increase in the volume, but at a low volume, the same increase would be more obvious.

My experience of trying out H5P:
I used the multiple choice and drag and drop features in H5P. I think it’s a very convenient tool that allows me provide better interactive learning experience. . It allows me to incorporate quizzes directly into the learning process. It perfectly fits Merrill’s first principles of instruction where “Learning is promoted when learners are required to use their new knowledge or skills to solve problems”. Learners uses what they have learned to solve quiz which enhances their understanding of the materials.
I think I’ll use the interactive video and interactive presentation the most. Both allow me to pause the material at specific points, present a quiz, and then seamlessly continue with the learning material. I think they makes the learning experience more complete. If I use other testing contents like multiple choice or drag and drop content or true or false and I want to continue the learning material afterward.I would need to create multiple sections and intersperse the quizzes between them. I wanted try the interactive presentation feature but my WordPress was missing some necessary plugins.
I think the interactive video requires most resources. Compare to the others, it not only requires images, texts and tests, it also requires audio which means that the presenter in the learning material must be prepared and clear.
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